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My name is Claire Theriot Mestepey and welcome to my blog.
Here’s a little about me.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from the
University of St. Thomas. I have worked at Kaleidoscope Television Network,
producing several shows, promo clips and an infomercial. I have also worked in several
different fields including medical, GPS support, and Office Administration.

Even though I have a wide variety of skills, my passion has
always been writing. As a writer, my work can be found in New Mobility Magazine,
The Houston Press, and The Houston Gazette. I have also self published “My
Walker and Other Glamorous Accessories.”  This book is a collection of
short stories, exploring the humorous side of living with Cerebral Palsy.

Our son Nicholas has always taken my disability in stride,
and has a good sense of humor about his mommy. His positive outlook inspired my
first  self-published children’s book, “Nicholas Gets Nervous.” I am
hoping this book will lead to opportunities to create a program for schools to
teach children that no matter how we look on the outside, we all need
acceptance and friendship.

About three years ago I started a company called Disability
Insights. I guess the bottom line is I can be viewed as an inspirational
speaker who teaches disability etiquette classes, although my message is that
I’m not inspirational, I just want what everybody else wants. I started this
because I felt there was a need for speakers who might be perceived as having
more of a severe disability, instead of what I lovingly referred to as “hot
guys in chairs” speakers.

I am always looking for an opportunity to expand my
employment portfolio, so please contact me a


  1. Alea permalink

    Dearest Claire,

    I am grateful for your humor and insightfulness in this, our world of misfits. None of us look so lovingly upon our own “handicap”, though, some may be more obvious, and sometimes we have difficulty accepting others. I admire your strength, honesty and sense of gratitude at being alive that comes across in your writing. Changing the world by helping change prespections is a great gift. I, too, am doing the same in a different area and probably on a amaller scale. However, my part truly is that I am always looking willing to change my own preception when I find a judgement arise of another.
    Many Blessings and keep them laughing, Alea

  2. Well, hey! All hail the mighty Twitter, which has guided me here. A fellow blogger, I am also a student (again) learning to support folks with disabilities. I cannot say enough about my program, nor about the way it is shifting the way I see the world.

    I look forward to reading your wisdom and learning from you and your readers. Thank you in advance and happy blogging!

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